If you have questions about the General Data Protection Act, please contact: aqui.
Em caso de dúvidas sobre os dados de sua titularidade favor contatar:
Sr. Allan Reisler (Encarregado de Proteção de Dados / DPO).
Assunto: Aos cuidados do Encarregado.
E-mail: protecao.dados@ouribank.com
The Ouribank informs that it does not offer loans, credit or debit cards and does not request and is not responsible for payments or deposits in bank accounts of parties other than Ouribank and companies of the Ouribank Group. Be aware of any unusual credit approval practices, such as pre-payment. Be suspicious of emails that are not from Ouribank, for example: @outlook, @gmail, @hotmail etc. or messages via WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram and Telegram or calls from third parties.
If you have any questions, please contact us at: 0800-771-4342 or (11) 4081-4444.
CNPJ No. 78,632,767/0001-20
Ouribank Building
Av. Paulista, No. 1,728 - overstore, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th and 11th floors
Bela Vista Zip Code - 01310-919
São Paulo - SP
Phone: (11) 4081-4444
Hearing Impaired Care:
(11) 3171-3003
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