credit and guarantees

Credit lines and guarantees for companies.

Expand the horizons of your business by advancing receivables, financing imports and boosting your production line with Ouribank.

Fale com nossos especialistas

The benefits of who is Ouribank

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Personalized service

Our experts are on hand to find the best exchange closing for your company.

Solutions specialized

Import financing

FINIMP, a set of credit lines and financing for the international production chain, guarantees the payment of your imports, providing more flexibility for your operation and better financial conditions with your international suppliers.

Suitable for importing companies.

Payment can be made by the exporter, the importer, or in a shared form.

Financing with agility, in a fully digital way.

Protect funding amounts by adding a hedge and locking in the value of the foreign currency.

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Anticipation of export receivables

With ACC and ACE, your company ensures full payment for your exports, providing more security to your international operations.

Suitable for companies that are carrying out exports.

The credit limit granted is flexible according to the volume of the export.

We offer an agile operation with billing from a global network of 400 financial institutions.

100% payment security for your export.

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Supply Chain Finance

Our local credit line covers everything from the payment of inputs to services, so you can invest and boost your production line.

Suitable for companies that want to leverage their business.

Flexibility and adjustment of deadlines according to your production line.

Payment is made to the supplier in cash, ensuring peace of mind in your operation.

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Letter of Credit for Import and Export

With the letter of credit (SBLC), we guarantee security in complying with international agreements and the receipt of payments or inputs for your imports and exports.

Suitable for companies that import and export.

Guarantee of payment to the exporter and guarantee of receipt of the goods to the importer.

Payment can be made by one of the parties to the agreement or jointly.

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Assignment of receivables

Flexibility to securely raise funds, pay off debts or anticipate receipts, without maximum or minimum amounts.

We only serve companies.

There are no maximum or minimum values.

It is possible to choose the mode with or without return.

Your company eliminates the credit risk of buyers and has the receipt in advance.

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Working capital

Boost your company's potential with a flexible line of credit ready to meet the priority needs of your business.

We only serve companies.

Flexible to invest where your company needs it.

It is possible to present various forms of guarantee.

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Secured account

With a secured account, your company can invest or make payments quickly and securely, in an account completely separate from the main one of your business.

We only serve companies.

The money is available when the account is opened.

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Connect to the Ouribank solutions hub

If your digital business needs solutions to operate foreign exchange, explore the services of our technology hub.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Does Ouribank provide credit to individuals?

Nope, our lines of credit and guarantees are designed for companies only. They meet international, import and export, and domestic credit needs.

Ouribank Products

Exchange and payment

Ship internationally to securely make payments and receipts.

Learn more