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Investment products

Banco Ourinvest S.A. (“Ourinvest”) may issue and, in certain cases, distribute the following investment products of its issuance (“Products”), whose main characteristics and conditions are described below.

For more information about the Products, please contact us:

Bank Deposit Certificate (“CDB”):

The CDB is a credit instrument issued privately by financial institutions that raise funds under the form of a “term deposit”.
They are nominative, transferable and freely negotiable securities. They are classified as “Income” securities.

The CDB represent a promise to pay, at a future date, the amount deposited with the issuer, plus the agreed remuneration.

The main characteristics of the CDB (such as its rate, expiration period, and grace period) may vary and are defined and reported at the time of hiring. Your compensation may be prefixed or post-fixed, and in this case, it may be based on several indexers, the most used of which is the TAX-DI.

It is possible to find CBD options with daily liquidity, which means that the investor can redeem the money on the day they want, until the due date.

The CDB are intended for the general public, that is to say, any individual or legal entity, subject to the suitability profile of the appropriate investor for the Product.

Investments in CDB are guaranteed by the Credit Guarantee Fund for a limit of up to R$250,000.00 per CPF or CNPJ, and per set of deposits and investments in each financial institution or conglomerate. The amount is limited to the ceiling of R$ 1 million, every 4-year period, for guarantees paid for each CPF or CNPJ. For more information about the FGC guarantee, see the FGC website, available at

Income from CDBs is taxed by Income Tax (“IR”), according to the regressive table:

Investment time

Income Tax Rate

180 days


From 181 to 365 days


365 to 720 days


Above 720 days


In addition, there is currently an incidence of Financial Transactions Tax (IOF) when the period between the purchase and the sale/redemption of the CDB is less than 30 days.
The main risk factors associated with CDB are those inherent to the issuer's ability to pay and anything that could harm or impact it. This risk is characterized as credit risk and is related to the financial health of the issuer of the securities and is linked to the possibility of losses resulting from the debtor's inability to fulfill its obligations or to any other event that may deteriorate the company's credit during the term of the term of the paper.

In addition to these risks, we highlight the following:

Liquidity risk: There is no guarantee of liquidity and of the early sale of the CDB unless it was contracted with liquidity on the date of issue. If it is necessary to sell the CDB on the secondary market (i.e., before maturity), the investor will be subject to current market conditions at the time of the request for liquidity, which may result in losses due to the unavailability of buyers for the asset or of a counterparty that is willing to pay the price requested by the seller.

Market risk: Due to variations in the macroeconomic scenario, including cyclical changes, in monetary and fiscal policy, CBDs are subject to losses as a result of fluctuations in price, exchange and interest rate indices.

Ourinvest does not receive any compensation, directly or indirectly, for the distribution of CDB issued by its issuance and does not currently distribute CDB issued by other institutions.

Real Estate Credit Letter (“LCI”):

LCI are fixed income securities issued by financial institutions, backed by credit transactions with real estate collateral.

The LCI represent a promise to pay, at a future date, the amount paid for their acquisition to the issuer, plus the agreed remuneration.

The main characteristics of LCI (such as their rate, expiration period, and grace period) may vary and are defined and reported at the time of hiring. Your compensation may be prefixed or post-fixed, and in this case, it may be based on several indexers.

The minimum maturity period for this asset varies according to the indexer it has: (i) 36 months, when the security is updated monthly by price index; (ii) 12 months, for other cases. These deadlines must be counted from the date of acquisition of the bond from the issuing institution. In those periods, the issuing institution will not be able to repurchase or redeem the LCI.

The LCI are aimed at the general public, that is to say, any individual or legal entity, subject to the suitability profile of the appropriate investor for the product.

Investments in LCI are guaranteed by the Credit Guarantee Fund for a limit of up to R$250,000.00 per CPF or CNPJ, and per set of deposits and investments in each institution or financial conglomerate. The amount is limited to the ceiling of R$ 1 million, every 4-year period, for guarantees paid for each CPF or CNPJ. For more information about the FGC guarantee, see the FGC website, available at

Investing in LCI is exempt from Income Tax (“IR”) for individuals, both in terms of income and capital gain.

LCI income earned by legal entities is taxed by Income Tax (“IR”), according to the regressive table:

Investment time

Income Tax Rate

180 days


From 181 to 365 days


365 to 720 days


Above 720 days


As the LCI has a minimum period of 90 days, in practice they are subject to the zero rate of Financial Transactions Tax (“IOF”), which is levied on fixed income transactions with a term of less than 30 days. The main risk factors associated with LCI are those inherent to the issuer's ability to pay and anything that could harm or impact it. This risk is characterized as credit risk and is related to the financial health of the issuer of the securities and is linked to the possibility of losses resulting from the debtor's inability to fulfill its obligations or to any other event that may deteriorate the company's credit during the term of the term of the paper.

In addition to these risks, we highlight the following:

Liquidity risk: There is no guarantee of liquidity and of the early sale of LCI unless you were contracted with liquidity on the date of issue. If it is necessary to sell the LCI in the secondary market (i.e., before maturity), the investor will be subject to the current market conditions at the time of the request for liquidity, which may result in losses due to the unavailability of buyers for the asset or of a counterparty that is willing to pay the price requested by the seller. The issuer cannot repurchase the LCI before their minimum maturity period, which aggravates the liquidity risk.

Market risk: Due to variations in the macroeconomic scenario, including cyclical changes, in monetary and fiscal policy, LCIs are subject to losses as a result of fluctuations in price, exchange and interest rate indices.

Ourinvest does not receive any compensation, directly or indirectly, for the distribution of LCI issued by its issuance and does not currently distribute LCI issued by other institutions.

Agribusiness Letter of Credit (“LCA”):

LCAs are fixed income securities issued by financial institutions, backed by credit transactions originating from deals carried out between rural producers, or their cooperatives, and third parties, including loans or loans, related to the production, commercialization, processing, or industrialization of agricultural products or inputs or of machinery and implements used in agricultural activity.

The LCAs represent a promise to pay, at a future date, the amount paid for their acquisition to the issuer, plus the agreed remuneration.

The main characteristics of LCAs (such as their rate, expiration period, and grace period) may vary and are defined and reported at the time of hiring. Your compensation may be prefixed or post-fixed, and in this case, it may be based on several indexers.

The minimum maturity period for this asset varies according to the indexer it has: (i) 12 months, when the security is updated annually by price index; and (ii) 9 months, when it is not updated by price index. These deadlines must be counted from the date of acquisition of the bond from the issuing institution. In those periods, the issuing institution will not be able to repurchase or redeem the LCA.

The LCAs are intended for the general public, that is to say, any individual or legal entity, subject to the suitability profile appropriate to the product.

Investments in LCA are guaranteed by the Credit Guarantee Fund for a limit of up to R$250,000.00 per CPF or CNPJ, and per set of deposits and investments in each financial institution or conglomerate. The amount is limited to the ceiling of R$ 1 million, every 4-year period, for guarantees paid for each CPF or CNPJ. For more information about the FGC guarantee, see the FGC website, available at

Investing in LCA is exempt from Income Tax (“IR”) for individuals, both in terms of income and capital gain, and has a zero rate of Financial Transactions Tax (“IOF”).

LCA income earned by legal entities is taxed by Income Tax (“IR”), according to the regressive table:

Investment time

Income Tax Rate

180 days


From 181 to 365 days


365 to 720 days


Above 720 days


In addition to these risks, we highlight the following:

Liquidity risk: There is no guarantee of liquidity and of the early sale of LCA unless you were contracted with liquidity on the date of issue. If it is necessary to sell the LCA on the secondary market (i.e., before maturity), the investor will be subject to current market conditions at the time of the request for liquidity, which may result in losses due to the unavailability of buyers for the asset or of a counterparty that is willing to pay the price requested by the seller. The issuer cannot repurchase the LCA before their minimum maturity period, which aggravates the liquidity risk.

Market risk: Due to variations in the macroeconomic scenario, including cyclical changes, in monetary and fiscal policy, LCAs are subject to losses as a result of fluctuations in price, exchange and interest rate indices.

Ourinvest does not receive any compensation, directly or indirectly, for the distribution of LCA issued by its issuance and does not currently distribute LCA issued by other institutions.

The main risk factors associated with LCAs are those inherent to the issuer's ability to pay and anything that could harm or impact it. This risk is characterized as credit risk and is related to the financial health of the issuer of the securities and is linked to the possibility of losses resulting from the debtor's inability to fulfill its obligations or to any other event that may deteriorate the company's credit during the term of the term of the paper.

FGC press release

Dear customer,

We inform you that the balances held in a checking account, savings account investment, investments in term deposits (CDB/RDB), Exchange Bills, Mortgage Bills, LCI and LCA, among others, held in this financial institution, are guaranteed by the Credit Guarantee Fund (FGC).

The existence of protection mechanisms, such as the deposit guarantee offered by the FGC, is fundamental to the health of the Brazilian financial system, ensuring the reimbursement of the amounts deposited or invested in situations of intervention or liquidation of financial institutions by the Central Bank of Brazil (BCB).

This guarantee is limited to R$ 250,000 per CPF or CNPJ, for each financial institution. In the case of institutions that are part of the same financial conglomerate, the amounts invested in different entities of the same group are added together to calculate this limit.

It should be noted that there is no definite deadline in the legislation for the payment of the guarantee in the event of the liquidation of a financial institution. The payment only begins after the liquidator, appointed by the BCB, consolidates the list of creditors with the respective amounts of each one. In the most recent liquidation cases, this period has been approximately one month.

For cases of guarantee payments as a result of more than one intervention or liquidation of financial institutions, we emphasize that the total limit is R$ 1 million for each four-year period, starting from the date of the first guarantee payment. Once this cycle is over, the full coverage limit is fully reestablished.

Attention: The FGC guarantees only the financial products indicated in its Regulations, under the conditions and limits described therein. The FGC does not guarantee investments in Investment Funds, Financial Bills, Guaranteed Real Estate Bills (LIG), Shares, Capital Securities, among others.

Important: The FGC does not act as a financial institution and, therefore, does not offer credits or loans to individuals. Thus, the FGC does not provide resources or money to the general public.